6 Steps To Perfect Qual – Step 2: Qualitative Research Recruiting


How do you get the best insight? You recruit the best possible participants. This L&E trust guide shares the power behind quality recruits with a series of best practice steps. Turn these qualitative recruitment best practices into actionable plans to lead your clients to true insight. This paper includes:

  • Critical steps and valuable tips in getting the right participants
  • Leading techniques taking advantage of new (and old) resources
  • Leveraging the best technology in recruitment software
  • Support for finding those rare, hard to reach people for quality insight

To continue reading, download our latest white paper here (no form to fill out!)   More about the six steps to perfect qual series It’s qualitative research that digs deep to uncover the truth in consumer behavior. If the goal of qual is to explore rather than confirm, then true qualitative insight comes from asking the right questions, with the right people, and successfully sharing the journey they take you on. We know researchers walk a tightrope. Margins for error are narrow; even the smallest mistakes in a qualitative project can have huge impact on the client relationship and the project’s success. Our series of six white papers is designed to support you every step along the way in your project – to provide a guide to the key elements that will drive success and how we at L&E can help you. White Paper Series Downloads: Step 1: Qualitative Research Design
