Toni Pierce

Medical Project Manager

Loveable & Empath

Toni has been working in the medical industry since 2000, and in medical market research since 2021. She loves the logistics behind the research and strives to deliver a successful project each and every time. Toni is married to her best friend and a mom of two who keep her fullfilled. She loves traveling and creating new adventures with her family whenever possible! She has a passion for reading, cooking, gardening and crossing items off her bucket list!

Insights About Me

What do you like best about what you do?

Delivering successful outcomes for all teams!

What is your favorite L&E core value?

Embrace and inspire happiness

What are you passionate about?

My family! Being present for them always.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Green Chile

What book or movie title would best represent the story of your life?

The Glass Castle

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Multiplicity – Let someone else tackle the chores!

What is the one thing most people don’t know about you?

I’m left handed, but actually ambidextrous! I write letters from Santa with my Right!